Huntingdon College
News Release
January 20, 2025
For more information, contact:
Laura Brelsford | | 334-833-4563
A Day in the Life of a Huntingdon Hawk: Cade Sousa ’26
Montgomery, AL – Cade Sousa is a junior sport management and business administration major from Canton, Georgia. He is a Huntingdon Ambassador, student recruiter, member of the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee, and a Huntingdon wrestler that was recognized as a Scholar All-American. While in wrestling season, Cade took HC News through a day in his life on Tuesday, January 14.
“I woke up for early practice at 5 a.m. Today we are switching up our schedule to watch a recruit wrestle tonight. I start my day off simply with some light stretching, a protein bar, and a small glass of water. I walked over to the wrestling room at 5:40 a.m. and got ready for our 6 a.m. practice.
At practice, we worked on some double leg attacks and then some single leg defenses. It was a pretty good practice of a lot of drills and repetition. We finished with practice at 7:30 and I walked back to my residence hall to shower and have some down time before my 9:30 class.
I left for class at about 9:15. I have Organizational Theory and Behavior with Dr. Goodson. It was the first day of class, so we basically just went over syllabus and upcoming assignments. After class, I went back to my room to change into lifting clothes.
I had Principles of Lifetime Fitness and Wellness at 11:00 with Dr. Bamman. We did pretty much the same thing as my 9:30 class and went over expectations and the syllabus.
Right after class I had a little break before I left for my 12:30 lunch lift with Coach Goodyear. During workout we did squats. It was a really good workout, and I ended up squatting 5 pounds less than my previous max for 1 really easily rep so there has been improvement since last time! After we were done, I had to get back to my room to shower and grab a Powerade for a quick turnaround to my 1:30 class.
My 1:30 class was Macroeconomics with Dr. Balit-Moussalli. Again, since it is the first day we just went over the class basics. After that, I walked to Roland to pick up my mail and then went back to the room. I was not feeling great, so I took a nap before a doctor’s appointment. I rested after the appointment instead of going to watch the wresting recruit. After some chicken soup, I finished my reading for Dr. Clark’s 8 a.m. Business Law class. The rest of the night I just decided to watch some TV and relax. I went to bed around 10:30 p.m.”